Tired of Forgetting – Learn about the Scientific Revision Method

Based on the Studies conducted, unless we have a good revision strategy we tend to forget things with time.

In order to retain the information longer the following revision strategy can be used

First Revision: 24 hours after the initial learning
On an average the Brain is able to retain fresh information up to 80-100% for 24 hours.
Hence this first review is crucial. Reviewing the material within a day can significantly improve retention.

Second Revision: 3 days after the initial learning.
By this time, some of the details might start to fade, so a review can reinforce the memory.

Third Revision: 1 week after the initial learning.
This review helps to further stabilize the memory and reduce the rate of forgetting.

Fourth Revision: 2 weeks after the initial learning.
By now, the memory should be more consolidated, but a review will still be beneficial.

Fifth Revision: 1 month after the initial learning
This review helps to ensure long-term retention of the material.

Subsequent Revisions: Every 2-3 months, then gradually extending to every 6 months and then annually.
These spaced reviews help maintain the memory over the long term.

Two simple ways to implement this

  1. You can use calendar like Google Calendar to schedule revision for the topic.
  2. You can also use Flash Card Apps like Anki, which have this functionality in built.

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